It is a condition which is found only in females. When a female is suffering from hairsutism she gets hair on those body parts where it shouldnt be or on places where mainly males get hair. This hair are different from those of normal hairs. The growth of hair is very fast and they are […]
Health Care
Why Dandruff occurs?
Dandruff is a very common problem among girls. And this is much more summer days. Due to dandruff we have to face many problema like itching, irritation, hair fall etc. Dandruff is not of a only one type. There are four different types of dandruffs. And each one has different symptoms and reason of spreading. […]
Why babys sleep in days and stay awakened in nights?
It is always seen that new born baby’s usually sleep in days and they are awaken in nights. This is very difficult to handle and manage for parents. This problem is faced by almost all new parents. When babys are in mothers womb they keeps on floating in the water bag containing amniotic fluid. And […]
How to born baby boy?
In india it is noticed that everyone wants a baby boy. To get the baby boy they follow unwanted myths which are not true. People gives different opinions to have a boy. Some says eat this following things youll be blessed with the baby boy. Or avoid things to have boy. Also we see there […]
Why Stratch marks occur?
Stratch marks are the scars/marks that occur on our body. Specially on stomach, thys, hips. Stratch marks are commonly seen in pregnancy. But pregnancy is not the only reason of stratch marks, there are several other reasons due to which this scars can cause. This are marks are red in colour when they newly formed […]
Post delivery precautions.
All family members are very concious for the new born baby and mother both. Because this is very crucial time period for mother specially. It is very important what we are giving mother to eat. Whatever mother will according to that only child will get nutrition through milk. We always see that mostly more ghee […]
How does UTI spreads?
UTI is a type of infection. Full form of UTI is urinary tract infection and commonly it also called urine infection. It can happen in males and females both but mostly it is seen in females. There are two types of UTI’s. Cystitis and Pyelonephritis. Cystitis is a infection of urinary bladder and pyelonephritis is […]
Pregnancy precautions for normal delivery?
Pregnancy is a very crucial and happy time period for every women. When a woman gets pregnent there are many to give advices and opinions. But how many among them are true and how many are just myths. It is said that when a female is pregnent, she should eat food of two people. But […]
What is PCOS?
Full form of PCOS is polycystic ovary syndrome. It is a health problem of ovary in females. In india out 10 womans 1 is suffering from PCOS. It is very commonly spreading health problem in todays population. PCOS takes place due to stress, lifestyle, genetically etc. In PCOS females doesnt get proper period cycle. Cycle […]
How to control births?
There are many options we have to control unwanted pregnancys. Some of them are permanent and some are for temporary. In permanent we called it opreation. Usually it is seen that only females attends this oprations but also for the males there is a opration by which they will not have pregnancy if they attend […]