Falling of hair 50-100 hairs is very normal in males and females both. But when number of falling hairs increases it is called elopesia. Two main reasons of causing elopesia are hairydiatary and DHT. This problem is common among males and females both. As our age increases with that the level of DHT also increases […]
Author: aegamer
How and why malaria causes ?
Malaria is life threating disease. Malaria is very dangerous disease. This usually takes place in rainy season. Because in rainy season there are mosquitos in compare any other seasons. Malaria is transmitted into our body by the bite of a mosquito. Not all mosquitos contain malaria but the infected mosquitos carring plasmodium parasite bites a […]
What is Breast reconstruction surgery?
It is a surgery done to maintain the shape and size of the breast. This surgery is usually needed when breast is removed from its place to attend a perticular cancer opration. Breast surgeries are of two types. It is seen that the surgery is done during the opration or after operation. Immediate breast reconstruction […]
What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a condition in which are unable to give births. To know endometriosis deeply, first we’ll know about endometrium. Endometrium is a lining formed inside the uterus. When hormone is formed this lining occurs. This lining waits for pregnancy and if suppose pregnancy doesnt exists than this lining starts falling and periods takes place. […]
Way of Weight loss.
Everybody wants a fit body. To stay healthy and fit people do anything. They dont think of what will happen after doing any activity without the guidance of experts. People stops eating breakfast to loss weight. Breakfast is most important meal of our whole day which we avoid. People think that if they avoid eating […]
When and why laser treatment is necessary to take?
Laser hair reduction is a scientific way of decreasing growth of unwanted hair. It is same as waxing/ shaving. In waxing and shaving we get hair in very few time. The growth of hair faster in this but laser treatment is among them which reduces our hair growth upto 70./.-80./. People suffering from PCOD and […]
What is overactive bladder?
Overactive bladder is a condition where people are enable to keep control over their urine. Many times it happens that urine starts leaking until reach toilet. They feel going for urine again and again but when they go for urine. They dont get urine and they knows that it was just a feeling of urine […]
Why Acidity and heart burn is so common among all?
Many people we see with the complaints of acidity and heart burn. It is very common problem among all of us and almost each one is suffering from this problem. It is not that only perticular age group people suffer from this problem. But from childrens to elders all have same complaint. This happens due […]
What is ovarian cancer?
Ovarian cancer is a cancer of ovaries. At the downwards part of stomach uterus is present and aside this uterus ovaries are located. When a ball starts forming in this ovaries it starts spreading in the stomach and other parts of the body. When these cancer takes place it distroys all the tissues present around […]
What is hairsutism condition?
It is a condition which is found only in females. When a female is suffering from hairsutism she gets hair on those body parts where it shouldnt be or on places where mainly males get hair. This hair are different from those of normal hairs. The growth of hair is very fast and they are […]