Health Care – ABHISHEK GAMER AG ARMY Wed, 07 Sep 2022 06:28:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Health Care – ABHISHEK GAMER 32 32 212148976 How migraine is different from normal headache ? Sat, 20 Mar 2021 04:23:32 +0000
When we have pain in our head we called ot headech. But when this pain is very high and we cant control it and it is also different in some ways in that case it is called migraine.

When a person is suffering from migraine pain occurs in the perticular part of head like in some people it pain only in the half part of the head or from the near/around the eyes or near by the ears. Also it can pain from the upper part of the head. Migraines pain is very high which cannot be controlled and its intensity is volumable.

Also it is noticed that in migraine pain is in form of throbing / pulsating. Pain is uncontrollable and you may also get vomites. Things cannot be seen clearly. We feel like our veins are moving.

Migraine can happen if your family member has the problem of migraine than the chances getting migraine to you also increases. If you are using more mobile phone or watching TV for long time or if you are working man and sitting infront of computer for long time than also you can get migraine.

The pain in migraine is so elastic and long lasting that the pain can last from hours to days also. To differ migraine from normal headech is through symptoms. Person suffering from migraine must avoid smoking, alcohol, drinking etc.

Also avoid going into the sunlight and if you go use gogles, cap, umbrella to protect your self from the sun rays. And try to include physical activities in your daily routine like walking, yoga etc. This will help you to cure off from the migraine faster.

If you are suffering from migraine take care of your health stricktly. It is very important that person suffering from migraine do not suffer from stress/anxiety. Do not listen to the loud music.

Keep yourself buzy in things what you love. Try to keep yourself happy. Do not think a lot about any perticular thing for long time. Because if you do so youll get stree and depression, this will result into headech.

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Why hairfall is so common among all ? Mon, 15 Mar 2021 12:40:42 +0000
Falling of hair 50-100 hairs is very normal in males and females both. But when number of falling hairs increases it is called elopesia. Two main reasons of causing elopesia are hairydiatary and DHT.

This problem is common among males and females both. As our age increases with that the level of DHT also increases and it starts destroying hairs from the roots.

Hairfall is commonly seen in people going through any type of a cancer, stress, PCOD, pregnancy, perticular health problem etc. In this type of conditions persons immune system starts fighting with their hair and it starts destroying the hairs.

It is also seen that many times due to the stress people starts pulling their own hair and this is not in their control. At this stage of hairfall person must take cycological treatment.

When we are suffering from hairfall it is very important that ee take care of the lotions and shampoos we use. Food we eat. Water we drink etc. We must stricktly avoid highly loaded chemical shampoos/ conditioners. Now a days many people prefer to apply different types of colours on their hair.

For some people it suits but to some it may cause issues of hairfall. Colour damage hair, to give colour protection use same shampoos/ conditioners. If you went on changing it week by week or month after month it can result into heavy fall of hairs.

We all love to give different type of hairstyles according to the dress or any occassion. It is very important that you apply oil on the hair and than wash it after the hairstyle. Always keep your hair free while you sleep. Silk is best fabric for hair, so prefer silk cloth pillow.

When you are suffering from the hairfall. It is very important to take care of your diet. Whichever vegetable you eat try to take it in raw form because when you steam vegetables its vitamins goes away.

Include more green leafy vegetables to your diet, it will prevent hairfall. Drinking more water is very beneficial to hairfall patients so drink more water and fruit juices.

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How and why malaria causes ? Mon, 15 Mar 2021 01:46:52 +0000
Malaria is life threating disease. Malaria is very dangerous disease. This usually takes place in rainy season. Because in rainy season there are mosquitos in compare any other seasons. Malaria is transmitted into our body by the bite of a mosquito.

Not all mosquitos contain malaria but the infected mosquitos carring plasmodium parasite bites a person the parasite is released into persons bloodstream and malaria is caused.

There are four types of malaria parasites. Among all four plasmodium falciparum is the dangerous parasite. Person suffering from this parasite has a high risk of death and also person contacting that patient also has a high chances of death.

Once a infected mosquito bites a person, symptoms will be seen after some weeks. So it is very dangerous for all people who stay in contact with the malaria infected person. Malaria also can be transmitted through the blood. If docotor bymistake uses same needle for a malaria patient and other normal person than also malaria can get transmitted from one person to another.

If pregnant woman is suffering from malaria and she gives birth to the baby in that period of time than the chances getting malaria to baby also increases. It can also be transmitted through a organ transplant or a transfusion.

A person suffering from malaria will suffer from.the symtoms like vomiting, sweating, high fever, headech, fever with chills. We cannot say weather its a malaria or normal fever on basis of the symptoms because mostly malaria and normal fever has same symptoms.

Malaria can calarified only by the blood test. There are different types of tests in which some tests can take days to give a result whereas some gives in just few minutes.

There are different types of treatments for malaria disease. It is seen that what type of malaria parasite you are suffering from. Whats the age of patient. Whether she’s pregnent or not.

Every one is given different medicines and treatments to recover. To stay away from malaria use mosquito net while sleeping. Keep your surrounding area clean. Wear washed and ironed clothes. Drink boiled or filtered water.

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What is Breast reconstruction surgery? Sat, 06 Mar 2021 11:17:05 +0000
It is a surgery done to maintain the shape and size of the breast. This surgery is usually needed when breast is removed from its place to attend a perticular cancer opration. Breast surgeries are of two types. It is seen that the surgery is done during the opration or after operation.

Immediate breast reconstruction is one in which breast surgery is done immediately after the opration. And delayed breast reconstruction is surgery done after some time of opration. Breast reconstruction surgery is devided into two groups.

Autologous reconstruction and implant based reconstruction. If tissue is taken from own body than it is called autologous reconstruction. And if it is impalnted it is called implant based reconstruction.

In most of the cases autologous reconstruction is done and in this the tissue is taken from the downward part of your stomach. Mostly breast cancer patients have childrens so there are extra tissues present in the down part of the stomach.

If due to any serious reason we cant use the tissue of this place than tissue is collected from the eldiphlap(back) isgap (below the waste).In implant based reconstruction surgery many time it happens that the patients dont have kenaf skin to cover up the implant.

In such type of cases tissue expander is used. It looks like a artificial ballon and it is expanded slowly slowly by which skin is made, so that the implant can be kept inside the skin. If we dont do breast reconstruction surgery after a cancer operation in which breast has been removed from its place.

Than the size and shape doesnt looks same as before. After completing the process of opration and surgery doctor provides pressure garments to the patients. This garment is made according to the size of the patients breast. This garment should be wore for atlist 1-2months to bring the size of breast in proper manner.

It is very important that you take care of it properly. As per the advice of doctor. mostly theres no side effect of this surgery but in some cases infection can take place. After the surgery it is necessary to take antibiotics on regular basis and wearing garment provided by the doctor.

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What is Endometriosis? Fri, 05 Mar 2021 06:14:41 +0000
Endometriosis is a condition in which are unable to give births. To know endometriosis deeply, first we’ll know about endometrium.

Endometrium is a lining formed inside the uterus. When hormone is formed this lining occurs. This lining waits for pregnancy and if suppose pregnancy doesnt exists than this lining starts falling and periods takes place.

In whole human body endometrium occurs only in uterus. And if due to some reason this lining starts forming outside the uterus than it is called endometriosis. Mostly when this lining forms outside the uterus it takes place in ovary or fallopian tube.

Endometriosis can take place if your mother or sister has got this problem. Means it can be genetic and it cannot be prevented. Mainly endometriosis occurs when girls are small and the size of the uterus is also small, the opening of the uterus from where blood comes out is also very small in size.

Due this small opening the pressure comes on uterus. This pressure occurs so the endometriosis formed inside the uterus can come out with the pressure of blood. In some people it comes out but in some this pain and pressure increases and endometriosis cannot come out through the uterus and in this case endometriosis comes out through the tube.

The correct way of coming out was uterus but if it comes out through the tube than it takes place at different place and starts growing at another place.Normally every female gets normal pain in their period time. But when this pain increases and pain occurs at the place where it never pained before than chances of endometriosis increases.

And we must go to the doctor for the checkup. It is a symptom of endometriosis and if you are having problem of infertility. Your not able to give a birth to child than also you may have endometriosis. In endometriosis veins gets blocked and ovary also starts getting weaker day by day.

If you are suffering from endometriosis take high protein diet. Include salads to your food. Salads provide you sugar. Take more milets and increase intake of organic things. Instead of drinking milk from outside make bdaam milk at home at have it.

This things will help you more in curing endometriosis. Avoid eating things which you mostly avoid when suffering from diabities. Things containing antibiotics must be avoided. Tea, coffe, more use sugar and packed food must be avoided in endometriosis.

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Way of Weight loss. Thu, 04 Mar 2021 17:11:43 +0000
Everybody wants a fit body. To stay healthy and fit people do anything. They dont think of what will happen after doing any activity without the guidance of experts.

People stops eating breakfast to loss weight. Breakfast is most important meal of our whole day which we avoid. People think that if they avoid eating breakfast it will be easy for them to decrease the weight. But it is seen that people gain more fat who avoid their breakfast.

We are qurious of doing things faster. We want immediate result so we follow one diet for 1 weak and another one for next weak. Like these whichever new diet comes on internet we start following it for quick result. But this change of diets effects our body and hormones.

Always take guidance from the experts and follow the diet. Because every person has different types of needs. Diets are made according to the body and shape, size of the body. Your doctor/ trainer is the only who can guide you for correct diet.

It is seen that many people avoid eating rice. But it is important that how much you eat rice or any other food item. Do not stop eating rice totally, eat according to your fat, body and needs. All of us want good body and fat free body. But no one is ready to change their lifestyle.

Everything must be decided your time of sleeping, eating, working, going for exercise etc. If your body dont have kenaf vitamin D level than it can be difficult for you to loss weight.

Some people do more of exercise, yoga, cycling etc. Whereas some just dont do atall. With this they also avoid eating food and follow different diets, which results into body weakness.

Take atlist 9-10 glass of water in a day. Avoid processed food, home made food is best to loss weight. Added sugar and salt increases weight. And use more sugar and salt can result into diabities/ heart condition.

Increase intake of fibre like salads. Salads provide you sugar. Sunlight is very good for your body it will give you vitamin D. Which changes your chalestrol layer into energy and helps in lossing weight.

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When and why laser treatment is necessary to take? Wed, 03 Mar 2021 04:16:30 +0000
Laser hair reduction is a scientific way of decreasing growth of unwanted hair. It is same as waxing/ shaving. In waxing and shaving we get hair in very few time. The growth of hair faster in this but laser treatment is among them which reduces our hair growth upto 70./.-80./.

People suffering from PCOD and thyroid mainly attend this treatment. People having more hair on their body by birth. People who has side effects of shaving or waxing like ingrown hair can also do laser treatment.

Due to some health problems some of them get more hair on face and body this hair are very dark and strong so people prefer laser treatment. Laser treatment destroys the pigment present in the roots of the hair. This process decreases the speed of hair growth.

When laser treatment is done, it is done under the advise of a doctor and proper guidance. Because mostly it is seen that now a days laser treatment is available in many saloons and beauty parlours. But it is not safe in local saloons/ beauty parlours because it is very important that we take proper guidance of a doctor.

While laser treatment is given they shave the area which has to be laser and than apply cool gel at that place and than temperature of machine is being set according to our skin.

Avoid laser treatment if you are pregnent or breastfeeding. Because it is not safe if you attend this treatment at this crutial period of time. Also avoid laser treatment if you are suffering from harpij/sorisis.The day you want to attend laser treatment before that one weak avoid waxing, shaving and facial. This treatment is given in different sessions.

As you attend 7-8 sessions growth of hair will be reduced upto 60-80./. This sessions will be given after some months. As you complete 1st session of laser treatment youll see that the hair are thicker and lighter as per the before. As this sessions increase hair growth decreases with time. After you attend it avoid facial, bliching, and do not go in sunny areas. Apply sunscreen repeatedly.

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What is overactive bladder? Tue, 02 Mar 2021 03:34:37 +0000
Overactive bladder is a condition where people are enable to keep control over their urine. Many times it happens that urine starts leaking until reach toilet. They feel going for urine again and again but when they go for urine. They dont get urine and they knows that it was just a feeling of urine not urine was occuring. This condition is called overactive bladder.

In a human body urine is made by kidneys and it is stored in bladder. When our bladder gets filled a signal goes to our mind and we come to know that now we are feeling of going for urine and we go to toilet. But when a person is suffering from overactive bladder inviolatry constructions occur against the singnal of brain which results into leakage of urine.

This problem is very commonly seen in females. Also males can get but number of females is more in comparison to males. There many for this and very common among this are females with growing age, after pregnancy this problems are more common.

Because overactive bladder takes place due to the health problems which effects the veins/muscles of bladder. Also it is seen that when we are having feeling of urine but we control it for long time due to that bladder is filled more and muscles spreads. This is a very common reason seen among females for causing overactive bladder.

Overactive can also occur if you are suffering from health disease like stroke, multiple seclerosis etc. If we taken in use more tea, coffee, coldrinks, alcohol, sigrets etc can increase the chances of getting overactive bladder.

To avoid this health problem always take care of your day todays lifestyle. Drink more water. Some people stops drinking of water bcz they gets frustated of going for urine again and again. But this can harm you more and it is not a solution.

Because drinking less water makes your urine more consuntrated and this makes bladder uncomfertable and chances increases of getting urine cancer. Drink more water in day but try to decrease level of water in evening and avoid drinking water totally in night.

This will help you cure problem of overactive bladder. Try to make some changes in you daily life like when you feel going for urine try to control urine for 5 mints than increase these time level to 10 mints this will make control over your urine.

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Why Acidity and heart burn is so common among all? Mon, 01 Mar 2021 07:53:58 +0000
Many people we see with the complaints of acidity and heart burn. It is very common problem among all of us and almost each one is suffering from this problem. It is not that only perticular age group people suffer from this problem. But from childrens to elders all have same complaint.

This happens due to the diet we follow in our day today life. We are so buzy in daily life that we never focus on our health. What we eat/drink, when we eat and how do we eat. This are very common things on which people never think and it results into health problems.

Main reason of acidity is we dont do exercise as per our body need. As we eat our lunch we directly go to sleep and it is a very big mistake which give push to acidity and fat too. After eating lunch we must not sleep atlist for 2-3 hours.

Heart burn is due to the increase in use of fast food. Whenever we are in rush we eat anything we get. Sometimes it oily food, sometimes its food which contain more spicyness.Much spicy food and junk food results into heart burn. But todays youth love only food which are spicy.

Home made food is always good and healthy. Healthy eating and doing regular exercise make you healthy. Do not eat junk food or any spicy food before you go for sleep. Always prefer light food to eat in dinner.To avoid acidity eat food which are bot much oily and always do physical exercise.

Yoga is also best way of keeping body maintained and healthy. Yoga keeps us fat free and it is also very much useful for our healthy life. Now a days all are living in modren lifestyle and it is a big reason of our regular health problems that we are facing. Take fruits, slads, juice, milk etc. In your breakfast instead of oily food or food containing more ghee.

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What is ovarian cancer? Sun, 28 Feb 2021 08:44:02 +0000
Ovarian cancer is a cancer of ovaries. At the downwards part of stomach uterus is present and aside this uterus ovaries are located. When a ball starts forming in this ovaries it starts spreading in the stomach and other parts of the body. When these cancer takes place it distroys all the tissues present around it.

This cancer is seen in large numbers. And the main reason of ovarian cancer is lifestyle. Our way of living has become very different from the past. Now people are not doing exercises. They dont do walking or cycling which results into different health problems.

Now a days pregnancys are also very late and use of hormone replacement therapy has also increased. This are the commom reasons for happening ovarian cancer.

When female is suffering from ovarian cancer, there are very few symptoms seen in the body by which we cannot judge it weather its really a ovarian cancer or not. Theres no specific symptom for these cancer. Very few symptoms are there, not getting hunger, we feel stomach is heavy, constabration.

But this cancer starts spreading in other body parts size of the stomach starts increasing. Gets pain in the stomach and bleeding can also occur in some patients. This are some of few and common reasons of ovarian cancer. But mostly ovarian cancer is proved only after doing ultrasound/ city scan.

There are two types of ovarian cancer. Early ovarian cancer in which we can find out if cancer is only in ovary or it has spreaded to other parts also. If cancer has been spreaded than the treatment will be different. When a female is Suffering from early stage cancer doctors perform surgery, in which they remove the ovary and also uterus in some females.

Weather uterus has to be removed or not it is decided on the basis of the age of patient. If age is less than uterus is not removed and if the age of patient is being high than it is removed. Opration is done if cancer is only in ovary but if it has spreaded to the other body parts than it is cured by kimotherapy.

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